These are the CX trends of 2024!


By Delia Rodríguez Herráez, Staff Writer
Last updated: January Friday 26, 2024

An exceptional customer experience not only ensures loyalty in the short term, but also creates a strong connection that lasts over time. In this year of change, we have a unique opportunity to re-evaluate our strategy to understand and deliver on customer expectations more deeply than ever before.

Understanding latent trends is essential in this context, as they not only define the way companies engage with their customers, but also shape the overall experience, from direct customer interaction to influencing the motivation of your own employees.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the innovative visions of industry leaders and explore how they plan to address these evolving trends. We’ll also be sharing some of the most practical tips we at FROGED advocate for effectively improving the customer experience. Discover how these trends can transform your business and put you at the forefront of CX excellence!

Some perspectives from industry experts

According to Axis Corporate, organisations that are able to deliver total customer experience by 2024 will outperform their competitors by 25% in both customer and employee satisfaction metrics. According to the company, this approach consists of a mix of 4 disciplines: Multi-Experience (MX), Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), and User Experience (UX).

At the end of last year, Forbes, the famous business and finance magazine, anticipated some of the most important trends: the potential use of artificial intelligence (AI); the adoption of omnichannel strategies as an essential component to offer customers a consistent experience across different channels and avoid repetition of information; environmental sustainability; and the presence of immersive experiences, such as augmented or virtual reality.

Zendesk suggests some interesting trends for 2024, highlighting the focus on AI and intelligent experience due to its agility and semi-human capabilities, even on an emotional level. According to their data, 70% of customer experience leaders plan to integrate generative AI into many of their touchpoints in the next two years.

Adgully, a platform specialised in reporting on media, marketing and advertising activities, lists the use of artificial intelligence and immersive experiences among its top CX trends for 2024, highlighting voice interactions and noting that the industry has already started to prepare for this type of communication; Amazon has already integrated generative AI into Alexa. This means optimising content for voice search, which should start with preparing customer service teams to also meet the demand for voice assistance, for example by setting up dedicated channels. Very much aligned with that, FROGED has started the year with a new voice channel!

(More info about our voice channel here!)

Security is a must!

Protecting information is a unanimous priority for businesses, and the recent alarming cyber-attack on the well-known British brand Lush less than two weeks ago is a striking example of this imperative. This incident underlines the critical importance of DATA security in today’s business environment.

In the UK context, it has been a record year for ransomware incidents. Some 667 organisations were targeted in the first half of last year alone, more than 94% of the 706 affected in the whole of the previous year. This dramatic increase is evidence of the growing sophistication and frequency of cyber-attacks, and underlines the urgent need to implement robust and up-to-date security measures to protect the integrity of business information. Data security is not just a requirement, but a critical component of success and business continuity in an increasingly complex and threatening digital environment.

Multi-Experience (MX) and Omni-Channel interrelationship

At first glance, they may seem like similar concepts, sharing the same goals, but they have different perspectives. Multi-experience (MX) focuses on creating a consistent and effortless customer experience across all touchpoints and modalities, regardless of channel. Omnichannel, on the other hand, aims to open up touch points across all channels and focuses on technology integration. The combination of both strategies enables customers to move effortlessly from one channel to another, while receiving a consistent and personalised experience. The synergy between MX and omnichannel eliminates friction and information loss, significantly improving the customer experience and creating stronger relationships.


Proactive adoption of trends is becoming essential for brands to differentiate themselves in an ever-changing business environment. Anticipating customer needs, rather than simply reacting to them, provides a competitive advantage. In a world where consumers are more demanding, proactive brands not only listen, but also develop innovative strategies to meet emerging demands before they become mainstream. This strategic approach not only builds loyalty, but also positions brands as visionary leaders in their industry.

Balance between AI and personalization

The balance between the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and personalisation is essential in customer experience trends. AI brings efficiency and predictability to anticipate audience needs and demands, while personalisation ensures authentic and meaningful connections with customers. This balance enables unique experiences, builds trust and ensures adaptability to changing customer preferences, setting companies apart in the competitive arena of customer experience.

Sustainability and environmental impact

In 2024, customer experience (CX) trends will emphasise the integration of new technologies, data security and environmental sustainability. Proactive anticipation of customer needs and a balance between automation and personalisation will be key. Companies that adapt to these trends will not only improve customer satisfaction, but also strengthen their competitive position and their connection to society.

Now it’s your turn: which trends are you betting on?


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    Next generation
    FROGED has been a beneficiary of the European Social Fund whose objective is to achieve quality employment, as well as promote the sustainability of quality of employment and promote labor mobility. Thanks to this fund and within the comprehensive qualification and employment program PICE of the Chamber of Commerce of Malaga we have obtained incentives for quality hiring referred to the call published in the Official Bulletin of the Province of Malaga (nº 176 dated 16-09-2019).

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