The SaaS prescription: Opportunities and challenges in healthcare


By Delia Rodríguez Herráez, Staff Writer
Last updated: December, Wednesday 20, 2023

Healthcare is in the midst of an exciting technological revolution. From digitizing processes to personalizing treatments, technology has permeated every aspect of the sector. This transformation has gone beyond the simple implementation of digital devices and systems. It has ushered in an era where technology is fundamentally redefining how healthcare is delivered and received.

The need to anticipate opportunities and challenges in healthcare has been driven by the post-pandemic scenario. This has accelerated the adoption of new technologies in the healthcare industry. SaaS is a key tool to leverage these innovations. The infrastructure is flexible and scalable, enabling healthcare institutions to quickly adapt to changing demands. Efficient solutions, such as telemedicine, can be implemented, and future challenges can be anticipated through agile data and process management.

At the epicenter of this transformation Software as a Service (SaaS), is acting as the primary driver of smarter, more agile, and connected healthcare. SaaS encompasses a wide range of applications where users pay only for the functionality they need. These programs are often structured with an architecture of independent modules, allowing professionals to customize their choices and pay only for what they need, or contract a specific plan that brings together their needs.

This flexibility and adaptability bring significant benefits to the healthcare sector. Clinics of all sizes, regardless of patient or staff volume, can access and use the digital tools they need. Because each medical center has specific requirements, influenced by factors such as specialty, the choice of SaaS must take into account critical additional tools. This includes aspects such as accounting, financial management, and reporting.

SaaS Potential in healthcare

SaaS in healthcare involves the delivery of software solutions via the cloud to meet different needs. Many medical centres or hospitals used to have their own servers to host the applications they needed – this is called on-premise. However, with the advent of SaaS, software services can be delivered directly over the internet. This is more convenient and offers greater possibilities, as there is no need for physical servers or large infrastructure to access, as everything is hosted in the cloud. As long as connection security policies are adhered to, access is possible.

Case Study and real experiences: Doctoralia

Doctoralia is an online platform founded in 2007 with the idea of connecting patients and healthcare professionals, facilitating the search, booking of appointments and access to detailed information about the latter.

It has strengthened its leading position in recent years by launching new SaaS solutions for healthcare professionals, clinics and hospitals, with more than 190,000 monthly active users. Its strategy focuses on the development of technological solutions in the B2B sector, with the aim of providing added value to professionals and centres.

An analysis of the company’s strategic evolution in recent years reveals significant changes in its adoption of SaaS. In 2022, new functionalities were added to optimise appointment management, including visit vouchers, online payment, budget modules, expense control and electronic case history templates. Following this, in 2023, they released new functionality focused on secure data storage between doctors and patients and reminders for check-ups, emphasising the importance of preventive medicine and timely check-ups.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While SaaS presents transformative opportunities in healthcare, it also brings forth a set of challenges and ethical considerations that need careful consideration.

Storing sensitive health data in the cloud raises concerns about data breaches and unauthorised access. Ee should ensure robust encryption and compliance with privacy regulations to protect patient information.

Reliance on cloud-based solutions can exacerbate existing inequalities in access to healthcare. Ensuring equal access for all demographic groups and addressing the digital divide are essential to maintaining equitable healthcare services.

Seamless integration of disparate health systems is critical for effective communication, so we must strive for universal interoperability standards to avoid information silos and improve coordination of patient care.

Digitization and automation of administrative tasks may raise concerns about job displacement: we need to focus on balancing technological efficiency with the well-being of workers and consider retraining programs for affected functions.

The implementation of SaaS solutions may involve the collection and use of patient data for various purposes. Obtaining informed consent is essential to ensure transparency and respect for patient autonomy regarding the use of their data.

Incorporating artificial intelligence into healthcare SaaS means taking serious ethical considerations into account in decision-making processes. Ensuring fairness, transparency and accountability in AI algorithms is essential to avoid bias and discriminatory outcomes.

Navigating the Future of Healthcare with FROGED

The incorporation of Software as a Service (SaaS) in healthcare holds immense promise for the future. Yet, to fully unlock its potential, we must confront challenges and uphold ethical standards.

Securing patient data through robust encryption is pivotal. Closing the digital gap ensures universal access, and the pursuit of interoperability enables seamless communication across diverse healthcare systems. Maintaining a delicate equilibrium between the advantages of automation and artificial intelligence and ethical considerations is crucial.

As the healthcare sector increasingly embraces SaaS, addressing these challenges and navigating ethical considerations will become imperative to harness the complete potential of technology in enhancing patient care and organizational efficiency. Exemplifying this transformative power, platforms like Doctoralia prioritize patient-physician interaction and secure data management.

In this changing landscape, the importance of effective patient communication cannot be overstated. Advanced solutions are a game-changer for thoughtful communication, enabling healthcare providers to enable some of the most critical functions, such as securely automating appointment confirmation messages to reduce no-shows and improve patient engagement, facilitating omni-channel communication including the most requested (email, WhatsApp, voice calls and even video calls), personalising patient outreach with customised messages that can provide tailored information, reminders and support.

The integration of FROGED into the healthcare SaaS ecosystem becomes a cornerstone to promote patient-centric, efficient and secure communication practices, while driving healthcare towards a connected, efficient and patient-centric future.


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